May 14, 2010
Peninsula 2010-Targu Mures
Primele nume confirmate: Korn, Tricky
Formatii care au stabilit directia muzicii pe plan international, au scos hituri de un urias succes si au sustinut concerte memorabile vor veni intre 26 si 29 august la Tirgu Mures, la cea de a opta editie a Festivalului Peninsula. Festivalul nostru va fi si anul acesta un magnet pentru trupe de pe tot globul, incepand cu Statele Unite ale Americii, Marea Britanie, Suedia, Finlanda, Spania sau Franta.
Concertul lunii august va fi cel al Korn, cea mai mare si influenta formatie de metal de la sfarsitul anilor ’90, care a vandut 35 de milioane de albume in toata lumea. Formatia de nu-metal care combina hip-hop, alternative si elemente electronice a devenit vocea unei generatii: vocalul Jonathan Davis, basistul Fieldy si colegii de trupa nu transmit doar muzica, ci un fel de a trai, ceea ce i-a propulsat in topul celor mai bune albume, cu Life is Peachy, Follow the Leader sau cu Issues. Korn III – Remember Who You Are, albumul care urmeaza sa apara in luna iulie va avea, cu siguranta, aceeasi priza la public ca toata discografia Korn. Castigatori ai premiului Grammy, aflati pentru prima oara in Romania, cei de la Korn vor incheia seria concertelor de pe scena mare a Peninsulei.
Cand spunem Tricky ne gandim la “smecher” si complicat”, atribute care I se potrivesc perfect complexului artist, care este unul din idolii trip-hopului. Inca de la colaborarea sa cu veteranii genului, Massive Attack, a inceput sa popularizeze muzica sa intunecata, lenta si eterica, Karmacoma devenind cel mai stralucitor exemplu pentru faptul ca muzica are efecte vindecatoare. Artist cu o voce inconfundabila, cel cu care colaboreaza divele muzicii internationale (Bjork, Neneh Cherry, Alanis Morissette), Tricky va sosi la Tirgu Mures cu toata formatia sa.
May 13, 2010
The Cranberries

Marţi, 20 iulie 2010, ora 20:30, trupa irlandeză
The Cranberries
va concerta pentru prima dată în România la Bucureşti, pe stadionul de rugby Iolanda Balas Soter.După o pauză de 6 ani, The Cranberries revin cu un nou turneu în America şi Europa, “Reunion Tour“.
The Cranberries este formată din Dolores O’Riordan (voce), Noel Hogan (chitară), Mike Hogan (bass) şi Fergal Lawler (tobe).
Grupul a luat naştere în 1989, sub numele iniţial de „The Cranberry Saw Us”. Pe langă rockul alternativ, trupa abordează şi stilurile indie pop şi punk, cu influenţe de folk irlandez. Şi-au câstigat faima cu albumul “Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We?” (1993), care s-a vândut in 5 milioane de copii în întreaga lume.
Al doilea album al trupei, „No Need to Argue”, produs de Stephen Street, care debutează pe locul 6 în topurile americane. „No Need to Argue” depâşeşte succesul albumul de debut şi câstigă trei discuri de platina, cu hituri îndelung difuzate precum „Zombie” sau „Ode to My Family”. În 1995, urmează alte două single-uri senzaţionale, “I Can’t Be With You” şi “Ridiculous Thoughts” şi albumul câştigă 5 discuri de platină în Canada, unul în Elveţia şi şapte în SUA.
Cranberries intră în studio pentru un al treilea album realizat în colaborare cu producatorul Bruce Fairbairn, vechi colaborator al celor de la Aerosmith. „To the Faithful Departed” se lansează în 1996, înregistrând un loc secund în UK Album Chart şi locul 4 în topul Billboard 200.
Din 2003 solista Dolores O’Riordan a colaborat la numeroase proiecte muzicale şi a scos două albume, Noel Hogan a inceput un nou proiect intitulat Mono Band, urmat de formarea trupei Arkitekt alaturi de Richard Walters, iar Fergal Lawler a colaborat cu The Low Network, Walter Mitty şi The Realists, The Last Days Of Death Country, atât ca muzician, cât şi ca producator.
B'estfest...Ciuc Summer Fest
B’ESTFEST lanseaza anul acesta Ciuc Summer Fest! Primele nume confirmate: Faithless si Gary Moore
Fanii B’ESTFEST vor avea vara aceasta un motiv de bucurie odata cu lansarea Ciuc Summer Fest 2010 by B’ESTFEST - o serie de show-uri live explozive care le vor oferi sansa de a retrai spiritul festivalului in perioada 16-18 iulie, pe stadionul Iolanda Balas Soter din Bucuresti, Faithless si Gary Moore fiind primele nume confirmate in program.
Vara aceasta publicul roman va avea ocazia sa retraiasca experienta de festival sub forma unei serii de concerte electrizante in cadrul Ciuc Summer Fest 2010. Conceptul de Summer Fest s-a nascut in vara lui 2008, sub acest nume desfasurandu-se show-urile unor nume precum Kylie, Metallica, Lenny Kravitz si Iron Maiden. Vara aceasta, Ciuc Premium - unul dintre principalii parteneri ai B’ESTFEST, va deveni promotorul Summer Fest by B’ESTFEST, care va include, pe langa show-ul Faithless din 16 iulie, inca doua zile de concerte cu artisti internationali de top, pe 17 si 18 iulie, care vor culmina cu un show special oferit de unul dintre cei mai renumiti chitaristi ai muzicii internationale, Gary Moore.
“Ciuc Premium a sustinut festivalul B'ESTFEST, obisnuind consumatorii sa isi gaseasca berea preferata in mijlocul unuia dintre cele mai mari festivaluri de muzica din Romania. Continuand traditia de a sustine muzica live, de calitate, anul acesta Ciuc Premium va lansa Ciuc Summer Fest. Aceasta este promisiunea pe care Ciuc Premium o face consumatorilor sai, de a le face surprize placute, la fel ca in fiecare an, aducandu-le aproape formatiile preferate", declara Gabriela Galatanu, Group Brand Manager Ciuc Premium.
„Ne bucura faptul ca fanii B’ESTFEST nu vor fi privati de experienta muzicii live, vara aceasta urmand sa reactivam, cu sprijinul partenerului nostru CIUC Premium, conceptul de Summer Fest” a adaugat Laura Coroianu, CEO Emagic.
Massive Attack din nou la Bucuresti

Dupa doi ani de la primul lor show in Romania
MASSIVE ATTACK revin la Bucuresti
Dupa show-ul indelung aplaudat si apreciat din 2008, maestrii muzicii electronice ambientale, MASSIVE ATTACK, revin la Bucuresti pe data de 27 iunie pentru un nou concert incendiar. Evenimentul va avea loc la Zone Arena din cartierul Floreasca, Blvd. Barbu Vacarescu, cea mai noua si moderna locatie de concerte din tara.
Biletele pentru concertul MASSIVE ATTACK sunt disponibile online la, in retelele Germanos, librariile Carturesti si Humanitas, magazinele Vodafone, Sala Palatului la urmatoarele categorii de pret in functie de pozitia in arena: Gazon A – 130 lei, Gazon B – 80 lei, Tribuna (pe scaune) – 160 lei, pana la data de 29 aprilie.
Dupa aceasta data preturile vor fi urmatoarele: Gazon A – 145 lei, Gazon B – 95 lei, Tribuna (pe scaune) – 175 lei.
“(…) Muzica MASSIVE ATTACK un amestec atragator de sound, cand grandios, cand melancolic mixat cu ritmuri perfect trasate, a cucerit publicul de la primele acorduri. (…) Show-ul trupei este unul in care spectatorii se hranesc cu energia degajata de muzicienii de pe scena.” – MEDIAFAX
“MASSIVE ATTACK au uimit cele cateva mii de oameni, sambata seara, cu sase instrumentisti, patru voci extraordinare si un mesaj puternic intr-un show halucinant” –
“(…) La caderea serii britanicii ne-au castigat simplu si profesionist, asa cum nu credeam sa se intample inainte de concert. (…) un show atent lucrat din punct de veder sonor, muzical, vizual si mai ales prin prisma dimensiunii a patra, cea a mesajului.” –
“Fericire pura! Pe o scara de la 1 la 10, momentul de fericire pe care l-am trait la concertul MASSIVE ATTACK e… infinit.” –
“10.000 viewers attended the first Romanian concert of MASSIVE ATTACK.” – Nine O’Clock
Concertul MASSIVE ATTACK din 27 iunie 2010 este produs de One Event.

Dezarie is a female
reggae singer born in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. She received Atlanta's "Best New Female Reggae Artist" award in 2001 before returning to St. Croix.
She works closely with
. She has three albums currently available. They are entitled Fya, Gracious Mama Africa and Eaze The Pain.
Roots empress Dezarie has blessed the reggae community with the deliverance of her newest recording "Gracious Mama Africa". Released on the Afrikan Roots Lab record label, this album emerges from the seeds planted on her amazing debut album of 2001 "FYA". Gracious Mama Africa transports the incredible voice of Dezarie to a whole new level - the highest heights. Her foundation is firmly established in songs such as "Travelers" and the title track. The brilliance and clarity of Dezarie's voice is reverently unveiled on "Exhalt". Gracious Mama Africa abounds with pleas for social justice and racial equality with selections like "Poverty", "Strengthen Your Mind" and "Justice".
But to this listener, the strength and power of Dezarie is most strikingly displayed in her condemnation of so-called civilization. "Gone Down", "Not One Penny", "Law Fe De Outlaw", "Slew Dem An Done" and "Judgment Come" all deliver conscious punches that penetrate the soul.
"Do what you want, wheresoever you please. Bombing Vieques, yes your bombing the seas. Lock up anyone that was opposing. Speaking against the nonsense that you were doing. But babylon you gone down, you gone down. Babylon funeral, you gone down." - Dezarie
After receiving Atlanta's "Best New Female Reggae Artist" award in 2001, Dezarie returned to her native island of St. Croix. Since that time, she has been working closely with Midnite, the players of instruments for "Gracious Mama Africa". Midnite's trademark sound is fully displayed on this album. Momentous bass lines from Phillip Merchant, classic one-drop from Dion Hopkins and the bubbling of Ron Benjamin on keyboards prevail throughout, accentuated by Abijah's charismatic guitar playing.
From the excellent overdubs of Dezarie's voice to the flying symbols on "Slew Dem" it is evident that Ron Benjamin worked tirelessly in the production and mixing of this album. The fruits of this labour are eloquently displayed on Gracious Mama Africa which is sure to be one of the best roots albums of 2003.
May 12, 2010

CocoRosie was originally a duo, with Sierra singing, playing the guitar, piano and harp, and Bianca singing and manipulating various children's toys, electronic and percussion instruments, as well as other exotic noisemakers. They subsequently added various backing musicians at live shows, usually a bassist, synth player and beatboxer. They have been a very active touring group, playing across Europe, the United States, and elsewhere. As of 2010, they have released four full-length albums.
CocoRosie's music has been used in various perfume advertisements including Kenzo's Amour which used "Good Friday" as well as Escada's Into the Blue which used "Not for Sale" in recent advertisements. Both use aspects of romance and slow speed motion film. n 2005, Frederic Sanchez used "Brazilian Sun", "Not for Sale" and "Good Friday" as part of the soundtrack he created for Miuccia Prada's spring 2006 show. The piece was called "Coco Rosie Through the Looking Glass". In 2008, music by CocoRosie was used in a Swedish rendition of Shakespeare's Hamlet at the Royal Dramatic Theatre (Dramaten), with Jonas Malmsjö playing Prince Hamlet. The song "Werewolf" is repeatedly sung by Ophelia and Hamlet throughout the play.
Plastic Beach
Plastic Beach is the third studio album by English virtual band
Gorillaz, released 3 March 2010 on Parlophone and Virgin Records. Conceived from an unfinished Gorillaz project called Carousel, the album was recorded during June 2008 to November 2009 and produced primarily by group co-creator Damon Albarn. It features guest appearances by several artists, including Snoop Dogg, Gruff Rhys, Bobby Womack, Mos Def, Lou Reed, Mick Jones, and the Hypnotic Brass Ensemble. Primarily a pop album, Plastic Beach contains lyrics concerning consumerism and ecology-related themes.
The album debuted at number two on the UK Albums Chart, selling 74,000 copies in its first week. In the United States, it debuted at number two on the Billboard 200 with first-week sales of 112,000 copies, and it also charted within the top-ten in several other countries. Upon its release, Plastic Beach received generally positive reviews from most music critics. As of 6th May 2010, the album had sold 724,000 copies worldwide.
The album has produced three singles.
* "
" was the first single from the album, released digitally on 26 January 2010.
* "Superfast Jellyfish" is planned as the second single from the album, due for release on 9 May 2010.
* "On Melancholy Hill" is planned as the third single from the album, due for release later in 2010.
Heligoland is the fifth regular studio album from the collaborative British music production duo
Massive Attack entitled after the German archipelago of the same name.
It had been officially released everywhere except North America by 8 February 2010 (US and Canada on 9 February 2010) – seven years after the release of their previous non-soundtrack, standalone studio album, 100th Window.
The album release was preceded on 4 October 2009 by an EP, Splitting the Atom. During its gestation, the album was often referred to in the media as "LP5" (a reference to this being their fifth studio album — excluding Danny the Dog) or "Weather Underground" (Robert Del Naja's early working title and underdog metaphor for the record).
The artwork, as with every Massive Attack album since No Protection, is a collaboration between Tom Hingston and Del Naja, this time based on Del Naja's paintings. Transport for London insisted the cover image featured on advertising posters displayed on the Tube be altered so as to not resemble "street art", in line with their policy to not encourage graffiti, which they were.
Many other guest vocalists recorded sessions during the duo's post-100th Window era but are not featured on the album, including: Stephanie Dosen, Yolanda (Quartey of Phantom Limb - effectively Robot Club's band) and Jhelisa (Anderson, not in the studio but via supplied backing tracks - had previously studio-recorded in 2002 for, but not included on, 100th Window); and, mostly during the pre-Collected time - Mike Patton, Aku and Akwetey Orraca-Tetteh of Dragons of Zynth, Elizabeth Fraser, Terry Callier, Fredo Viola, Debbie Clare, Beth Orton and Dot Allison. Mos Def and Leslie Feist were named as artists scheduled for recording sessions back in 2004.Backing tracks from Grant Marshall's side of Massive Attack's writing (mainly facilitated by and done with Robot Club) are known to have been sent to Alice Russell, and prepared for Sharon Jones, Patti Smith and David Bowie during the era but collaboration did not come to fruition, nor did talks with Tom Waits or Tricky, in terms of featuring as guest vocalists on the record. Post-punks Mark Stewart and Keith Levene were pictured inside Del Naja's 100 Suns studio in 2009, but played no part on the album. Despite online suggestions to the contrary, no recording sessions with Sia ever took place.
Track list
1. "Pray for Rain" (vocals by Tunde Adebimpe) – 6:44
2. "Babel" (vocals by Martina Topley-Bird) – 5:19
3. "Splitting the Atom" (vocals by Grant Marshall, Horace Andy and Robert Del Naja) – 5:16
4. "Girl I Love You" (vocals by Horace Andy) – 5:26
5. "Psyche" (vocals by Martina Topley-Bird) – 3:24
6. "Flat of the Blade" (vocals by Guy Garvey) – 5:30
7. "Paradise Circus" (vocals by Hope Sandoval) – 4:57
8. "Rush Minute" (vocals by Robert Del Naja) – 4:51
9. "Saturday Come Slow" (vocals by Damon Albarn) – 3:43
10. "Atlas Air" (vocals by Robert Del Naja) – 7:48

Blazzaj is a Romanian
Acid Jazz
band founded in 1996 by Eddie Neumann and Florin Barbu as FunkinLeFree. Since August 1998 the band is known as Blazzaj. If you read the band's name backwards it says "Jazz Alb" (Romanian for "White Jazz").The journey started in 1998 when several artists with versatile backgrounds have invented a complex device, full of life and colourful, powered by explosions of energy. They named it Blazzaj.
Reaching far beyond the stage, Blazzaj improvises out-of-the-ordinary worlds. On macadam roads marched by funk soldiers, shaken at the glimpse of the bass guitar, in the sound of brass, piano and guitar riffs, their dynamic performance sends energizing waves of heath towards the audience.
Unheard stories from the underworld, virgin pieces of wood craving for carpenters, lust thoughts fading in deserted train stations, merry tunes hummed by heavy machinery and concrete buildings – it’s all in the music Blazzaj plays.
May 11, 2010
PsychoFreud "(Anders Eriksen, 1977 Oslo Norway)" Is a Norwegian drum&bass musician known for combining the sound of old school ragga jungle with the hard hitting basslines of more recent drum&bass.
Having begun making music in the late 1980's, he is now focusing mainly on ragga drum&bass, hip hop music, dancehall, reggae, house, and breakbeats. PsychoFreud also DJ's when he is not in the studio producing.
He will come again in Romania for the Iarmaroc Fest 2010 : " I will bring the jungle to the forest! Hah, see what i just did there?"
A doua editie a festivalului Iarmaroc (ce a debutat anul trecut la Paulesti / Ploiesti in luna mai), va avea loc anul acesta tot in aceeasi luna, in perioada 21-23 mai.
Din nevoia de diversitate muzicala, organizatorii au anuntat ca anul acesta, Iarmaroc-ul va fi alcatuit din zece scene - nici mai mult, nici mai putin.
Astfel, Iarmaroc-ul din 2010 va insemna, din punct de vedere muzical, cam toate soiurile de stiluri din segmentul muzical electronic (de la dubstep, drum and bass, la techno, house, disco etc), dar si folk, funk si chiar rock.
Galerie foto: Iarmaroc Fest 23 mai 2009
Galerie foto: Iarmaroc Fest 24 mai 2009
Cativa dintre cei ce vor participa la aceasta editie:
Moonbeam semneaza acest album la compania Black Hole Recordings,lansat pe 22 martie 2010, oferind 12 piese de o buna calitate. Fratii rusi sunt producatori talentati, iar asta o demonstreaza pe parcursul celor 12 piese din calatoria muzicala 'Around The World'. Productiile instrumentale, cat si cele bazate pe voce au ceva in comun: atingerea fina, melodica si delicata a stilului Moonbeam, facand din 'Around The World' un album potrivit pentru ascultare atat acasa, cat si in cluburi. Featuring-urile vocale linistitoare de pe album sunt realizate cu vocalisti precum Daniel Mimra, Avis Vox, Ali.Bi si Blackfeel Wite.